Balanced portfolios are beating the hedge funds so far this year

The investment climate has been almost manic over the last year, with wild swings in global markets due to economic news and the financial crisis in Europe. At times like these some in the investment world argue that passive investors who sit on a diversified portfolio will get whipsawed. Instead, the argument goes, they should hand their money to an expert […]

Do not go into retirement without addressing the risks

Retirement can be the most exciting and rewarding time of all, but, like any other stage in life, there are unique financial risks that need to be addressed. Longevity, inflation, health care needs, the death of a spouse, problems with living independently—all can affect a retiree’s quality of life. Changes in laws and social welfare programs can have dramatic effects on a […]

Knightmare on Wall Street

Question: Which of the following statements applies to last week’s stock market behavior? Computer errors at a major trading firm generated millions of faulty trades, causing dramatic and puzzling price swings in dozens of stocks Wednesday morning. A New York Times columnist fumed that “Wall Street has created its own Frankenstein. The machines are now in charge.” Stocks on the fifty-two-week new […]