Client Letter – Q2 2013

A quick period of readjustment over the last six weeks depressed portfolio returns in the second quarter, but we think the markets are now more realistically priced and may be poised to resume their upward momentum later this year. The following chart shows the 3-month, 5-year, and 10-year performance of many DFA funds (representing different asset classes) compared to the […]

The Art of Letting Go

In many areas of life, intense activity and constant monitoring of results represent the path to success. In investment, that approach gets turned on its head. The Chinese philosophy of Taoism has a word for it: “wuwei.” It literally means “non-doing.” In other words, the busier we are with our long-term investments and the more we tinker, the less likely […]

7 Retirement Decisions That Affect the Rest of Your Life

Even a part-time job can allow you to draw down your savings more slowly. “For a lot of people, the definition of retirement is not ‘not working,’ but not doing what they don’t like and doing some kind of work that they love,” says Christopher Jones, a certified financial planner for Sparrow Wealth Management in Las Vegas. Read the Full […]