Want to retire? More savings, not higher returns, will get you there

First, the good news: it is entirely within your power to make a significant difference in your retirement income security.  Now, the bad news: because it is within your power, you have to do the work. You cannot rely on the investment markets to carry you to a comfortable retirement. Your level of retirement savings—not the performance of your retirement […]

IRAs are now charitable giving tools

IRA owners who don’t think they will use all of their accounts in retirement have been given a brief opportunity to make charitable gifts directly from their accounts. A temporary tax rule approved this year allows IRA owners who are 70.5 or older to contribute up to $100,000 to a charity without recognizing the contribution as taxable income. Direct contributions […]

The real financial threat in retirement comes from inflation

Ask the average person who is planning to retire and will have to depend on an investment portfolio for part of his income and he will tell you one of his biggest concerns: losing his principal. Then he’ll often add that perhaps it is time to get more conservative with his investments in order to avoid volatility that could destroy his […]

Roth IRAs are opened up to everyone

Upper income retirement savers are about to get in on tax-free Roth IRAs beginning in 2010, due to a recently enacted tax law change. Roth IRAs promise completely tax-free withdrawals of principal and earnings in retirement, unlike traditional IRAs, whose withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. When Roths were established, upper-income married taxpayers with incomes over $160,000 were prohibited from […]

Going international helps retirees

The biggest question facing a retiree who wants to live partly off of an investment portfolio is this: Will the portfolio sustain my withdrawal rate, and keep up with inflation, throughout my retirement? Retirees don’t want to run out of money before they die. But they also want a reasonable income that isn’t devastated by inflation. Much has been written […]

Unrealistic expectations threaten your retirement

Don’t fall into the trap that has grabbed a lot of your fellow workers: they have unrealistic expectations about investment returns and retirement assets and face disappointment in their golden years. A recent survey by Merrill Lynch uncovered some not so surprising mistakes workers are making in their retirement planning. Two of the top concerns of the 1,100 survey participants […]

Too much company stock

You would think that after the horror stories about Enron employees who lost their job and their retirement savings more employees would diversify out of their own company’s stock. Not so, according to a recent survey by Hewitt Associates, a benefits consulting firm. It found that at the end of 2002 some 28% of all 401k plan money was invested […]

Bush Proposes New Savings Plans

President Bush has proposed sweeping changes in taxation of retirement and other savings. If enacted, his proposals could profoundly affect the way Americans save. It could also lead to major federal and state budget deficits in the future. The proposal is far more important to most working and retired Americans than is the proposed elimination of dividend taxation. Bush’s plan […]